Is it for you ?

This program is for you, if:

– Svajoji tapti vienu geriausiu virtuvės šefu(-ių);
– Turi ambicijų įkurti bei valdyti savo restoraną;
– Nori mokytis iš geriausių virtuvės šefų;
– Esi ryžtinga, kūrybinga ir ambicinga asmenybė;
– Nori sužinoti, išmokti ir pasiekti kulinarinio mokslo aukštumų gastronomijos pasaulyje;
– Nori tobulinti profesinius įgūdžius aukščiausiame profesiniame lygmenyje.

Cook training program

It is a cook training program, the purpose of which is to train highly qualified kitchen staff that are able to apply advanced food production principles not only in theory but also in practice, which have knowledge of the latest kitchen techniques, food process management, catering service organization, and peculiarities of matching food and wine. Studies consist of theory and constant practice at the restaurant.

Duration of studies: 2 years / 4 semesters
Qualification awarded: Highly qualified cook
Minimal education: Secondary
Price of a semester: from 1100 €
Tools: each student will receive a personal knife set, two cook’s jackets and an apron.
Study program consists of:
Classical French cuisine and its techniques.
Getting to know a job of a waiter will allow better understanding of a specific nature of a waiter’s job. Communication between the dining area and the kitchen is one of the guarantors of a restaurant’s success.
Peculiarities of matching wine/beer and food. Students will get basic knowledge of wine, and we will reveal the subtlety of matching wine and food. Upon completion of this training program, a graduation diploma is issued.

Is it for you ?